Archaeology Division

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Dagostinia's Archaeology Division is the leading authority in pre-Dagostinian history.  The nation realizes that a rich history is contained beneath the layers of weeds.

Archaeological digs in Dagostinia have resulted in some interesting finds.  Several public works projects have opened up the past through the ground.  Digs of up to 2' in depth have yielded artifacts from several different periods.  Much of the ground consists of 6-12" of clay rich soil followed by clay rich soil that is dense with river rock.  A shovel is worthless at this point and a pick is better suited.

Several artifacts have been discovered from previous generations.  Items relating to recreation, occupation, and lifestyle are just a few.  The Museum is open to showcase these finds.

Epochs of the land of Dagostinia are based on major periods.  The Developing Epoch relates to when modern man tamed and divided the land.  The Domestication Epoch relates mostly to indigenous man and their traverses through the land.


0 AP to present - Dagostinian Epoch

100 AP to 0 AP - Developing Epoch

4000 AP to 100 AP - Domestication Epoch

Historical Timeline:

(AP = Anni Priori, time before Dagostinia's founding, AD 2009)

(AT = Anni Tempori, time since Dagostinia's founding)

Massive flooding - ~4300 AP

Native Population - >4000 AP

First European Settler - ~157 AP

Oldest structure built - 52 AP

Local flooding - 47 AP

Establishment of Dagostinia - o AP